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UCLA Clinical Scholar News Scholar News |
UCLA Alumni Awards/Accomplishments/Presentations/Publications Rhonda J. Maddox (UCLA CSP 08-11) has been selected as the 2013 Jeanne Spurlock Congressional Fellow. Lenard I. Lesser (UCLA CSP 08-11), Kayekjian, K., Velasquez, P., Tseng, C.-H., Brook, R. H., Cohen, D. A. “Adolescent Purchasing Behavior at McDonald’s and Subway.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 2012; 1-5. Ana-Claire Meyer (UCLA CSP 06-08) received the UCSF Hellman Family Early Career Faculty Award to investigate health outcomes for individuals with HIV-associated cognitive impairment in Uganda. Sheryl Kataoka (UCLA CSP 99-01) evaluated the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) programs as a Scholar in two key studies. In a recent Washington Post article, CBITS was named the group therapy program most suitable for President Obama’s gun control initiative goals. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/01/16/obama-wants-to-tackle-violence-and-mental-illness-in-the-schools-so-what-works/ Ashaunta Tumblin (UCLA CSP 11-13) has been awarded the Janet & Ray Scherr Loan Repayment Fellowship. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was part of a panel discussion entitled, “Mistreatment Woes: Working Together to Solve the Problem” at the 2013 AAMC Western Regional Conference, Irvine, CA: May 6, 2013. Other panel discussants included Joyce Fried, Jonathon Bolton, Donna Elliott, Maxine Papadakis, and Margaret Stuber. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Surgery at Duke University. Katherine Neuhausen (UCLA CSP 11-13) accepted a position as the Director of Delivery System Reform in the Office of Health Innovation at the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System. Katherine Neuhausen (UCLA CSP 11-13) presented on a panel with Mitch Katz (UCSF CSP 89-91), on the Residual Uninsured at the Insure the Uninsured Annual Conference in Sacramento, CA: February 5, 2013. Katherine Neuhausen (UCLA CSP 11-13) presented on a webinar entitled “Complex Care Management Strategies in Managed Care: Targeting Super-Utilizers for the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services” on April 22, 2013. Katherine Neuhausen (UCLA CSP 11-13) presented on a webinar entitled “Targeting High Utilizers: An Approach to Decreasing Costs and Improving Quality for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation” on April 25, 2013. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) gave a lecture entitled “Miles and the Next Accreditation System: Patient Care” at the Society of University Urologists/Society of Urologic Chairpersons and Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: May 3, 2013. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) gave a lecture entitled “Clinical Learning Environment Review: What Does a Urology Chair or Program Director Need to Know?” at the Society of University Urologists/Society of Urologic Chairpersons and Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: May 3, 2013. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13), Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13), Saigal, C.S., and Litwin, M.S. presented “Emergency Department Revisits for Kidney Stones: Frequency and Variation” at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: May 4, 2013. Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13). “Practice Patterns in the Management of Urinary Lithiasis.” Accepted: Current Urology Reports, 2013 (in press). Charles Scales, Jr. (UCLA CSP VA 11-13). “Prevalence of Kidney Stones Nearly Doubles in the United States.” AUA News, 18(2): 9; 13, 2013. Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in the LA Time’s article, “Patients should decided what the end of life is like, study says.” http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-end-of-life-20130320,0,4708259.story Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in the U.S. News Health article, “Patient Wishes Should Guide End-of-Life Care, Researchers say.” http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/03/21/patient-wishes-should-guide-end-of-life-care-researchers-say Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in the HealthLeaders Media article, “Study: Patients should decide what the end of life is like.” http://www.healthleadersmedia.com/content/QUA-290370/Study-Patients-should-decide-what-the-end-of-life-is-like Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in the Examiner article, “New UCLA study on appropriate end-of-life care.” http://www.examiner.com/article/new-ucla-study-on-appropriate-end-of-life-care Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in FierceHealthcare article, “Patient-centered palliative care leads to lower costs, happier patients.” http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/patient-centered-palliative-care-leads-lower-costs-happier-patients/2013-03-21 Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in Medical Xpress article, “’Do no harm’: Patient-centered end-of-life care means happier patients who live longer.” http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-03-patient-centered-end-of-life-happier-patients-longer.html Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in NewsMedical article, “Patient-centered end-of-life care results in happier patients who live longer, researchers find.” http://www.news-medical.net/news/20130321/Patient-centered-end-of-life-care-results-in-happier-patients-who-live-longer-researchers-find.aspx Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in Medical News Today article, “First Do No Harm – UCLA Researchers Find Patient-Centered Care At End Of Life Results In Happier Patients Who Live Longer In Less Pain.” http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/257944.php Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in MedlinePlus article, “Patient Wishes Should Guide End-of-Life Care, Researchers Say.” http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_135160.html Jonathan Bergman (UCLA CSP VA 11-13) was featured in MedicineNet article, “Patient Wishes Should Guide End-of-Life Care, Researchers Say.” http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=168683